Hangover cures?
If you've never had a hangover here is a rough idea.
Brain to big for skull.(some people say they have this problem all of the time anyway)
Eyes receiving to much light. (similar to staring at the sun with binoculars)
Hands shake more than your great great aunt who lived to be 121 years old before passing away after being run over on her unicycle on the way to the gym.
Perhaps the most painful, your ears become the same size as a large elephants allowing you to amplify a fly snoring from 200 yards.
Severe craving for a breakfast, you know the one that you bought from the greasy spoon cafe but you couldn't eat it because it had a snotty egg, and it made you feel sick.
I could go on but by now I'm sure you've got the picture.
You may be asking yourself why do it then?
Funny so do I the next day.
Well here is a selection of allegedly possible cures overheard in bars from around the world and also various wise folk who are still drinking.
Yes I would like to learn the secrets of a hangover free drinking session.
I am the legal age to get one and I understand that some of these allegedly cures may kill me stone dead. Take me to the secrets now.
I am barely out of my diapers/nappies and I like hangovers take